
Words gave birth to us
And once had nurtured us,
But now, words had ended you and me.
So let me bury this love
In the garden of my poetry


blue ocean

Spilled Ocean

You ventured my shallow waters and loved my every shore,

Sinking affections into my ears until I kept looking for more.

The sound of my waves crashing to your every oath; engulfing each promise, looking forward and nothing more.

You sailed into my midst and saw how deep we could go,

Engraving memories so clear now I wish I didn’t know.

Overflowing with delight I could not see an end in sight; embracing your arms, loving your every warmth.

Each drop of love adding depth to my emotions; but like every other you got tired and left my horizon.

Every story, every joy, floating aimlessly within. Knowing it will stay with me as my waters are with limit.

So often,

I wish you’d visit as I fill a bottle with written feelings. Thinking how it would reach you;

So now, watch,

As I spill my ocean for you.

blue ocean
Grande Island 2015

You Make My Day

You are my favorite sunrise;

The way your warmth gently wraps me in its arms, slowly bringing sunshine into my life.

Each waking moment you give vigor to start my day and you never forget to bring color along the way.

You paint my every sunset;

Your smile alight with rays of scarlet and toasted gold, gently turning my troubles into joy.

The quietness of the closing day harmonizing with our laughter in the air.

You light up my night sky;

The shimmer of every star is nothing compared to the galaxy humbly glimmering in your eye.

Cold breeze briskly touching the trees, steady glow veiling the sleepy sky.

The more I dwell in this embrace, the less I want to escape..

You make my every day. 

Photo by Jamie Marie, Enchanted Kingdom 2014


Frozen Dessert that Warms the Soul

A sweet treat to eat that sends chills to your spine,
whenever you grab a cup or a pint.
Every kid in the street would scream with delight,
when an ice cream truck passes by.
A sweet treat that comforts my soul,
coming from this flavorful bowl.
Each moment never fails to send me happy,
as I pick a spoonful of strawberry.
Marshmallows, sprinkles and cherry;
whatever you choose will be perfect and merry.

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